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Your organization's needs and expectations from your digital ecosystem are unique. You may want to increase sales, engage in more focused interactions with your contacts, optimize operations so you can spend more time on actually delivering on your promises, and keep your fees and charges competitive yet profitable.

The opportunities are endless and span from a few standard functions to fully-fledged ERP solutions. So whatever your particular business needs are, there is always just the right set of solutions available to make it all happen.

Whatever your reasons and requirements are, we will make sure they are thoroughly researched, understood, and analyzed to ensure the most suitable collection of solutions ends up being configured and installed. Moreover, the configurations of the solutions we will install for you will be scalable so they serve your needs for many years to come so your investment will yield the highest ROI for a long time to come.


Even the simplest deployment needs a great deal of customization to suit your particular needs, and to get you up and running in no-time. In fact, the better the solution, the more it can be fine-tuned so it serves your purposes best.

And this is precisely where our expertise comes into play; setting up your digital ecosystem so it does exactly what you need it to do. This includes customized fields, formulas, features, and even custom modules so it can accommodate data that are non-standard for any solution. And capitalizing on the exceptional flexibility and capability of the solution we work with, "not possible" or "can't be done" are phrases you will rarely hear us say.


One of the main reasons why digital solutions are not as successful as they could be is resistance. Team members mostly have grown accustomed to using Outlook, Excel, or self-built databases to serve their needs.

Moving from those disconnected tools to a company-wide platform is not something people will buy into easily. That is unless they are convinced that it will help them in doing their job more effectively, achieve better results, and become more efficient team members. In other words, users must become "stakeholders".

Securing your team's buy-in is one area you will see us focusing on tremendously. We will, before - during - and after - the project make sure your team members are fully involved and engaged, develop a vested interest in the process, and become vivid users and loyal advocates for your new systems. We accomplish this not only through extensive training on the systems at macro and micro levels, but also by consulting them, engaging everybody in the design and roll-out phase, and carefully listening to their concerns and recommendations.


Our business strategy has always been - and will remain built on long-term relations. Our philosophy is that you can basically sell anything to anyone once. But it takes a lot more than that to convert one-time customers to long-term clients, and ultimately to advocates of your brand, products, and services.

And this is exactly the experience we pledge to provide you with. At the end of the day, if you are not happy with your solutions, there is no force on earth that will entice you to renew your subscription month after month. So in short, whenever you will need us to support you, be it technically or otherwise, you will find us right there, always a phone call or email away.


This is usually where many deployment projects get stuck; consolidating, deduplicating, and updating all contact records saved in multiple Outlook PST files and other dispersed software applications. We will of course provide you with the needed templates to consolidate all data from your users, but if you need us to take this one step further and remove all duplicates, make sure contact details are updated, and contacts are properly grouped and classified, we'll make it happen!

Lead Generation

The best solution isn't worth the code it's written in if it's not constantly populated with fresh and promising data such as leads and prospects. To ensure your sales and marketing teams have an ever-growing pool of leads and prospects at their disposal, we offer you our lead generation services to populate your database with any number of fresh leads each day you may need. All leads will of course be categorized and grouped by interest, level of influence, etc. so your communication tactics are as successful as they can be.


We've been doing this for so long (since 1990), we could write volumes about it. Actually, we did. You can read about it all on our blog.

Capitalizing on our long-term expertise in using CRMs and associated tools (i.e. mass emailers, surveys, etc.) to generate new leads and connect with customers and clients, you will not only have a perfectly well-functioning CRM ecosystem but most importantly one that operates in a fashion that actually produces the results that made you install a CRM to begin with.

And most importantly, we will share with you all the tricks and insights we have, not only about the technicalities but from a marketing and business development perspective as well. Such as designing the sales funnel's stages in accordance with your industry's best practices, how to move opportunities through the sales funnel, and when and how to follow up so your leads stay all warm and fresh.